Sports Day & Festivitatea de Premiere

 Stimati profesori,

Va anuntam ca maine, dupa prima ora de curs, va avea loc “Sports Day” – o zi dedicata activitatilor sportive impreuna cu elevii, acum cand ne apropiem de sfarsitul anului scolar.

Va rugam asadar ca maine sa veniti pregatiti cu echipament de sport pentru a putea intra pe teren alaturi de elevii dumneavoastra.

Programul zilei de maine, 12.06.2015, se va incheia la ora 12:30.

Saptamana viitoare, luni si marti, programul se va incheia la ora 13:30, iar miercuri, 17.06.2015, va avea loc Festivitatea de Premiere conform urmatorului desfasutator:

–          08:00 – 10:00 – Pregatiri pentru Festivitatea de Premiere

–          10:00 – 11:00 – Festivitatea de Premiere la Sala de Sport

–          11:00 – 11:30 – Premiere in clase de catre Diriginti

–          11:30 – 12:30 – Vizita la Noul Campus

–          12:30 – 14:30 – Masa  de “Ramas bun” la Universitatea Lumina. Prezenta este obligatorie.

Joi si vineri vor avea loc activitatile specifice incheierii anului scolar, intre orele 09:00 – 12:30.

Va multumim!


Dear teachers,

We announce that tomorrow, after the first hour, we will celebrate “Sports Day” – a day dedicated to sport activities for both teachers and students.

So you are asked to bring your sport equipment and to be ready to make team with yours students in the competition that will take place.

The working hours for tomorrow will end at 12:30.

Next week, Monday and Tuesday, the program will end at 13:30.

Wednesday, 06.17/2015, the Award Ceremony will take place according to the following program:

–          08:00 – 10:00 – Prepations for the Ceremony

–          10:00 – 11:00 – Award Ceremony at the ICHB Gym

–          11:00 – 11:30 – Award Ceremony for each class with the Guidance Teachers

–          11:30 – 12:30 – Visit at the New Campus

–          12:30 – 14:30 – Lunch at Lumina University. The presence is mandatory.

Thursday and Friday the school activities will take place between 09:00 – 12:30.

Thank you!

Sports Day

Dragi elevi, parinti si profesori,

Va anuntam ca maine, dupa prima ora de curs, va avea loc “Sports Day” – o zi dedicata activitatilor sportive pentru elevi si profesorii lor. In cadrul acestei zile, in cele doua sali de sport si pe terenul din curtea scolii vor avea loc numeroase competitii si jocuri intre clase.

Astfel, toti elevii si profesorii sunt rugati sa vina pregatiti cu echipament de sport.

Va multumim!